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Live, Write, and Explore in Prague, Czech Republic
Follow in the footsteps of Franz Kafka and explore the role of dreams and dream imagery on the creative process in one of Europe’s most vibrant and historic cities.

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“Living and learning in Prague was one of, if not the most, valuable experiences I’ve had as a student at Columbia!”
Piper Matlock, Poetry

Past Student Experiences
"If you want to challenge yourself and strengthen your voice while experiencing the world, then I suggest you throw hesitation to the wind and take the trip!" -Mark Luetger, Fiction Writing
“Being inspired by the works of Franz Kafka and the dreamlike landscapes of Prague lifted my creative spirits and gave me confidence that I thought I had lost.” –Jacqueline Baker, Audio Arts & Acoustics
"Going to Prague opened my eyes to global culture and put many things in perspective. I wouldn't have traded the trip for any other location and would love the opportunity to go back!" -Brian Rosner, Game Art
“Reading works written in the city I inhabited at the time gave me a deeper understanding of both the work and the place. I have consistently regarded that trip as one of the defining moments of my life, and it gave me a sense of companionship and community I’ve hardly experienced anywhere else.” – Evan Falls, Fiction Writing
“I didn't go to Prague--Prague happened to me. I hiked up slippery cobblestones to the castle wall and looked down; I scrambled down to the bottom of the castle moat and looked up. It was vertigo of the best kind because it took me outside of myself and my perceived place in the world and infused it once again with beauty I thought only existed in fairy tales.” - Julia Plale, Fiction Writing
“Going to Prague was one of the best decisions I've ever made. - David Roncskevitz, MFA Fiction Writing

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